Thursday, 14 May 2015

Term 2 goals 2015

My goal is to think before acting...

What do I need to do to achieve this:
- Try put myself in others shoes first.
- Picking a right time to say something.

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Captain Taniwha and The Slimy Space Snot from the Galactic Nose.

The Mako seemed to draw closer, opening its jaws full of rows crammed with teeth to consume the ship, with evil in those black dot eyes. A small light was flashing eject in deep red quickly, lighting up the dark. Taniwha looked at the light quickly, pressing it to shoot out of the water.
But the button didn't seem to activate the ejecting booster. Cap. Taniwha pressed it again. Not working. He pressed it more, going into spamming it. Glancing at the shark that was circling the spaceship, looking for a meal, spotting the ships left wing to bite at, shaking the whole space craft as it crunched on the tip of the navy blue wing. Taniwha briskly got out of the control seat, pushing at the button, jumping off to find anything else. The seat rocketed off suddenly, hissing as it shot through the ceiling, letting the ship close the hatch it went through. 
Eject seat! How predictable that is! Cap. Taniwha thought, looking at the seat shoot off through the murky water.

The giant mako swam around steadily by reason of the icy water. Opening its large, triangular toothed jaws again, turning to face the cockpit, looking through the window for anything inside, not seeing any movement with its piggy eyes, slowly stalking to the side again. Taniwha hid under the desk, pulling apart the wires to find the control panel for the hatch, pushing a small switch to open the hatch, letting ocean water and seaweed rush in. 

Jaws went full pelt and bit the front with a massive and hunger filled force, crunching the ships front, wrinkling its flat nose aggressively. A cloud of crimson blood swarmed the ship and shark, making everything invisible within it. The shark shot back from the cloud a little, losing a tooth from the force of the ship.

That giant fish probably tried to keep the wolf from the door by eating the space ship. Cap. Taniwha went below the submerged ship and hungry shark, quickly going up to the shallower waters. Having pressed the auto pilot on the ship was a good idea, making it slowly putter to the shore with deep shark tooth marks in the bonnet.

Monday, 30 March 2015

3, 2, 1.......... Launch! Reflection

Print making + reflection.

Tools - you will need 'em all....
- a pair of scissors ( optional, for cutting the polystyrene ).
- a pencil ( for outlining the stamp ). 
- a black and white paper ( printed ) photo of you facing towards the camera.
- printing ink ( any colour ).
- an A4 piece of paper, coloured or white.
- two rollers, one for pressing the paper down, the other for rolling the ink onto the stamp.
- a polystyrene tray, a washed one from the supermarket will do. 
- a bit of tape, to stick down the photo.
- a few days
- patience!

To create your stamp.

You need the black 'n' white photo to start, stick it ( with tape ) onto the polystyrene tray. Outline yourself in the photo with a pencil. Pierce the lighter bits on you ( in the photo ) softly with various things, rulers, flat erasers, etc. To put some dept into it so the lighter bits don't come up on the print. Sometime later, take off the photo, laying some printing ink onto the tray. Roll it out with one of the rollers to even it out. Place the piece of paper on, rolling it down with the other roller. Peel the paper off in some time, leaving it to dry for about three days.

I don't really like the print I did since it has barely any detail, not clean, bold, trimmed. The first one I like only because of the colour. 

I would change almost everything, it's pink and not really good enough around the eyes, I should've left  
Everything else in the photo on.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Big and bigger story starter.

Shawn flouted up, how high would he go? A thought settled. "All your fault!" Shouted Steve suddenly, trying to flail his sausage arms around in the air, his face as red as a ripe tomato, with his giant double chin forming into four. 
  "Not going to work, Pig face." Shawn replied, as Steve struggled more, not noticing his emergency Swiss army pocket knife, ( which was used for cutting chicken nuggets, the only use for Steve so far ) was pushing into his inflated sausage leg. 
Steve cried, " Mummy! I need you!" As he flailed around more, slowly moving around like a huge blimp, turning around gracefully onto his side, having his small, pig legs poke out quite hilariously.
Shawn laughed, not taking notice of a figure coming their way. Shawn tried to find a way of getting down, failing to do so though.
There was a hissing noise, but not heard over the large roaring sound in the distance. A Chicken nugget airlines express plane was on their trail, a large pop was heard in the distance a few moments later. Filling the air with a stench of half eaten chicken, floating up to high above the sky. A few birds dropped dead from the sky onto the road, because of the change of wind.
A peaceful afternoon later, with nice red sky and dead birds on the ground. A party was going on indoors, since the angry cloud of gas was still stirring up a storm of stink. The kids in the neighbourhood were having a disco celebration to celebrate Steve and shawn are gone for good, not caring about the unpleasant smell that will possibly last for a couple of days. Toasting  a cup of orange juice, and a few chicken nuggets with tomato sauce. Mailed directly from the dodgy Chicken nugget airlines, who popped two fat 'weather balloons' on the way over there.